6.16: What's the best thing to pack for college?

What's the best thing to pack for college?Are you leaving this month for boarding school or a year away? Are you packing for the college of your dreams? What should you take, and what should you leave behind?A Munich International School grad advises!When this MIS grad arrived at his Ivy League university, what was the most important thing he found in his suitcase? We bet you'll never guess . . .Go ahead! Click on the image below to watch Athena Mentor's youTube interview with a student who can tell you what's in and what's out of your suitcase.derek-newWhat can you definitely leave behind?What are some of the things that people think they need--and that turn out to be pointless? With overweight baggage charges at an all-time high, you should definitely skip--well, click on the video image to find out.If you're reading this in text-only mode, or on an iPad,click here to watch the videoSpecial advice for European students on their way to college in the UK or US!marlenaWith your parents all teary-eyed about your impending departure, it's tempting to slip in a request for the family credit card--so that you can max out your wardrobe and arrive at college decked out in the latest trends.Well, don't. Family finances aside: what's hot in your home town may not be what everyone at your new school is wearing.Athena Advises: Buy your clothes when you get there!European students may well feel embarrassingly overdressed at a college off the continent. English students are rather, excuse me, frumpy, and you will feel like a cockatoo in the wrong zoo. U.S. college students sometimes look like they dressed out of a dumpster--but still, you don't want to be immediately labeled as Eurotrash.So listen to the advice of the MIS student in the video--and have a great time packing for college. By the way, congratulations to the former Athena Mentor student in the video. He graduated from Brown, and is on his way to Yale. May it happen to each of you!Bon voyage!Dr. Marlena CorcoranDirectorAuthor of Year by Year to College, on amazon.comamazon.de and many national amazon sites