8.1 Had enough Holly? On to the Ivies!

The Holly and the Ivies

We hope you are enjoying the winter break. By now, you're probably rested and have had some fun visiting friends and family. Some of you are feeling a bit . . . bored. If you've had enough holly, it's time for the Ivies!

Athena Mentor's All-Ivy Holiday Puzzle

You've all heard of the Ivy League--but how much do you really know about the Ancient Eight? Do you know which university has a highly-structured core curriculum, and which Ivy is for freewheelers? Do you know your Ezra Cornell from your John Harvard? Athena Mentor has created an All-Ivy Holiday Puzzle that will help you tell one Ivy League university from the next.c4e6be29f0264a0a8a03b79bffcd3adb

Click on the link below for our online, interactive crossword puzzle.Athena Mentor's All-Ivy Holiday Puzzle

You've never done a crossword puzzle online?

Click on the link above to get to the puzzle on our website. Once you're on the page, put your cursor in any box and click to get started. A question will appear to the right of the puzzle. Type your answer, letter by letter, into the blank squares in the puzzle. To help you out, we've even included a scrambled version of the target word in the clue!

Know your way around the Ivy League!

marlena-corcoran-20160728_0647-ar-retouchlinkedinEvery year, we hear versions of the same sad story: "So-and-so, a wonderful student, applied to every school in the Ivy League--and didn't get in anywhere!"
Here's what you need to know: an outstanding academic record is only the first step toward getting accepted to an Ivy League university. Each school has a character, just as you have a personality. Our puzzle will give you some bits of information about the characters of the different Ivy League universities. Now you must figure out which Ivy or Ivies might be a match for someone like you.
If you are aiming at the Ivies, contact Athena Mentor for a long-range plan. Time goes by so quickly! As 2016 draws to a close, we'd like to thank all our students and subscribers for an exciting year together, and wish you all the very best in 2017.
Dr. Marlena CorcoranFounder and CEOAuthor of Year by Year to College, on amazon.comamazon.de and many national amazon sites