8.9 Urgent warning from The Common Application

Common App scam

The Common Application has issued a warning that some students have received messages claiming to be from the Common App, asking students for their login information.

These messages are not from The Common Application.


Do not reveal your login information

The messages are a scam--or at the very least, a misguided marketing tool. The Common App has posted this information on the Common App blog:

In the last 24 hours, we've heard from some counselors that their students have received a solicitation email offering FAFSA assistance and directing them to a third-party website that requests their Common Application account information. We want you to know that The Common Application has no affiliation with this website--and more importantly, we want to remind you that you should never give your log in credentials to any third-party company or organization.

Read more here:http://www.commonapp.org/whats-appening/application-updates/safeguard-your-credentials-0

Athena Advises

marlena-corcoran-20160728_0647-ar-retouchlinkedinCollege applicants are understandably nervous this month, and anxious to comply with any request they believe will help them get admitted to the college of their dreams.

Think twice before you reveal any sort of information, pay anything or sign anything.

Just yesterday, Athena Mentor urged you not to be too hasty in replying to offers of admission. Today we join the Common App in reminding you to exercise normal precautions to protect your data.

"As if I needed anything else to be nervous about!" We hear you. Please don't worry about this. Just be careful. And try to maintain your sanity as you wait for the remaining admission decisions to be announced.

With you in spirit,

Dr. Marlena Corcoran,Founder and CEO.Author of Year by Year to College, on amazon.comamazon.de and many national amazon sites
