8.28 The Princeton Review's top colleges

What else comes out in the summer? The Princeton Review rankings!Need some beach reading? Here are the top three colleges in a few of the less predictable categories, as reported in USA Today online on August second. If you don't know these schools, perhaps it's time to look them up and expand your personal list!

Great financial aid

  1. Bowdoin College
  2. Vanderbilt University
  3. Colgate University

Professors get high marks

  1. Sarah Lawrence College
  2. St. John's College
  3. Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering

Most beautiful campus

  1. University of San Diego
  2. Bucknell University
  3. Bryn Mawr College

Best campus food

  1. University of Massachusetts-Amherst
  2. Bowdoin College
  3. Washington University in St. Louis

Athena Advises

Which of the colleges in these quirky categories are academically reputable institutions?Every single one! That's right! Just because you haven't heard of some of them doesn't mean they are unknown to the rest of the world!Are you are traveling in the United States this summer, or has this week's newsletter inspired you to consider squeezing a few campus visits in to the remaining weeks before school begins? Why not see for yourself whether The University of San Diego is as beautiful as they say?Ideally, you might wait until college is in session to experience Olin, an engineering school that is not a heartless degree mill; or to decide for yourself whether the campus food at Bowdoin is as impressive as their financial aid. But if, like many international families, you find that summer is the time you can travel--go when you can!Oh, and yes, the Princeton Review also publishes more general rankings of academic institutions in categories such as research institutions, liberal arts colleges, regional schools, etc. Bear in mind that the college you choose must be the best college for you. Dr. Marlena CorcoranFounder and CEOAuthor of Year by Year to College, on amazon.comamazon.de and many national amazon sites