8.33 September 9 ACT cancelled for many test centers in Asia, U.S.

Urgent news: A breach in security has forced the cancellaton of Saturday's scheduled ACT test at many test centers in Asia, including in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau, Shanghai, Japan and Singapore. Other closings have been reported by students. That test will not be rescheduled, but if you are affected, you can sign up for a later test date.Dozens of test centers in the United States are rescheduling because of Hurricane Harvey or Hurricane Irma. Click below for more information from the ACT itself.Reschedulings: Be sure to refresh the page!!Click here or on the image above for a video with more news!If you're reading this message as text, here's the video link: http://bit.ly/ACTcancelled

Athena Advises

It must be just awful to be totally revved up to take such an important test--and then be told it's cancelled! Whatever the reason, this is a shock.What can we all learn from this?1. Stuff happens. Tests can be cancelled for a security break, a natural disaster--or even for no announced reason whatsoever! Yes, I saw that happen last year! A test center simply cancelled the test on short notice!You could have an accident, or get the flu.2. Read your email! This is the most common medium colleges and test centers use to stay in touch with you. We know you love Facebook, WhatsApp, SMS/text messages and other cool apps--but email is the way you are most likely to hear urgent official news.3. Most importantly, please do not wait until the fall of twelfth grade to take the SAT or ACT. If you feel you have the time to retake the SAT or ACT on top of everything else you have to do for school and your college applications at that late date, fine--but please do not deliberately wait until the fall to take the SAT or ACT for the first time.Hurricanes happen.We may not write again until Irma passes over, so until then, as the video says, "Stay calm. Do well."Dr. Marlena CorcoranFounder and CEOAuthor of Year by Year to College, on amazon.comamazon.de and many national amazon sites
