8.39 Parents! How can alumni weekend help your teenager get in to college?

It’s October! That’s the month before—gulp—November, when the first U.S. applications are due. But let’s talk about October!October is often a month of glorious fall weather. College campuses are picture perfect, and fall foliage is at peak color throughout New England. If you graduated from a college in the United States, you may be thinking of returning to your alma mater for alumni weekend, often called "Homecoming Weekend."How can alumni weekend help your teenager get in to college? For our first tip, watch the video!If you're reading this message as text, click here to watch the videoAnother detail: How can you find out more about what it takes to get admitted to your alma mater today? Often a college will schedule an event especially for parents and their teenagers. Someone from the admissions office will present the attractions of the college, hoping to entice your offspring to apply. Search the schedule of alumni weekend and be sure to register for this event!

Athena Advises

If the presenter does not volunteer information on the grades and test scores of the last class of students admitted to the college, please ask! The admissions office has an interest in inspiring your teenagers to apply--and in making sure the return home motivated to make the grade!Some colleges even offer special counseling sessions for alumni with teenagers. This counseling may be free, and may cover more than just your alma mater. Be sure to ask!If you're not a graduate of a U.S. college—or any college—don't be concerned. Keep reading the Athena Mentor newsletter! We'll be giving you suggestions every week. You can also use the internet to find information about particular colleges.Wishing you and your children wonderful memories of alumni weekend,Dr. Marlena CorcoranFounder and CEOAuthor of Year by Year to College, on amazon.comamazon.de and many national amazon sites