9.14 When's the best time to visit colleges?

Are you wondering whether to visit colleges this summer? Or would it better to go during spring or fall break?

Click on the image or on this link to the video: https://youtu.be/T4yIISQDA6g

Athena Advises

Summer is easiest for many families, especially if you are coming from out of the country. But if you go when the college is not in session, you won't get to sit in on classes or check out the students!The photos in the video were taken by me during visits I made to different college campuses. The banners you see between the columns of Columbia and Yale are hung each year to celebrate the graduating classes. I chose these photos in honor of former Athena Mentor students who are graduating from those universities this month.If you are an Athena Mentor alum graduating this year, I'd love to see your photos! You can always reach me by email:athena@athena-mentor.comTo those of you who are graduating, and those who are just starting to look at colleges, I send my warmest wishes for exciting times ahead.Dr. Marlena CorcoranFounder and CEOAuthor of Year by Year to College, on amazon.comamazon.de and many national amazon sites