6.13 : Clear the decks!

Clear the decks!

That's what naval officers cry when it's time to tie up loose ends and prepare for action. If you're applying to U.S. colleges this fall, it's time for you to clear the decks!Deck

August first is on the horizon

On August first, the new Common Application database is opened. It will be time for you to create an account for the coming year. This is also the date on which colleges will post the questions or prompts for their "supplements." Most, but not all, U.S colleges require these school-specific short-answer questions and essays. There can be as few as none and as many as nine per college.Gulp.

How can you prepare?

Athena Advises

marlenaSeniors and gap-year students, this advice is for you.1. If you're planning to take or retake standardized tests, double up on test prep.2. Write your "Common Application Essay." That's the core essay that goes to every college to which you apply using the Common Application. The prompts for this essay have already been announced, and were given in my last newsletter.

On August first, you'll be glad you did!So clear the decks! Write whatever general personal statement(s) you will need. That way, you'll be ready for the waterfall of school-specific essays that are announced beginning August first.Congratulations to those of our students who are already well underway! If you'd like to be in that enviable position, click here to send a message to Athena Mentor.Wishing you smooth sailing,Dr. Marlena CorcoranFounder and CEO

P.S. Athena Mentor advises students on their application essays only as part of a long-range, strategic plan. We don't offer essay-review-only services.