MBA at Stanford?

These days, even 15-year-olds tell me confidently about their plans for a career in business. But do you know what it's really like at the world's top MBA programs--or what it takes for international students to get admitted?Why not find out today? The Stanford Graduate School of Business is offering a free webinar specially designed for students from the German-speaking regions of Europe. Three current students will discuss methods of learning, international presence on campus, and the GSB alumni network in German-speaking regions.If you are a German-speaking Athena Mentor student already in college, this is a must for you!Parents, you too should consider quietly logging on! Here's the invitation:"Am 1. Juni (19 Uhr deutscher Zeit) moderieren drei First Year Studenten (Tim Eisenmann, Dominik Facher und Desiree Peill) eine Web-Session zum Thema MBA Studium in Stanford für Bewerber aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Thematisiert werden dabei unterschiedliche Lernmethoden, Internationalität auf dem Campus, sowie das Alumni-Netzwerk im deutschsprachigen Raum."Weitere Infos im folgenden Link:"Registrierte Zuschauer können sowohl im Vorhinein, als auch Live waehrend der Übertragung Fragen stellen."If you'd like to experience the atmosphere of Stanford University, click on the video below!

Athena Advises

marlenaDr. Corcoran advises applicants to the world's top universities and MBA programs. She attended the AIGAC conference hosted by the Stanford Graduate School of Business (GSB).

Dr. Corcoran is an active member of the prestigious Association of International Graduate Admissions Consultants (AIGAC).

In 2015, she was on the organising committee for the annual AIGAC conference. The 2015 conference took place in Paris and, and was hosted by Hautes Études Commerciales and INSEAD in France, and the London Business School and the Cambridge Judge School of Business in England.

Contact Athena Mentor if you have questions about long-range planning for your MBA.If you have plans to apply for an MBA somewhere down the line, it's never too early to start planning your way to the top!Dr. Marlena CorcoranFounder and CEOAuthor of Year by Year to College, on and many national amazon sites