7.2 What are the top 3 public universities in the US?

The service academies!

Every year, Forbes magazine ranks universities in different categories. The 2016 rankings for American public universities present a surprise, though not exactly a shock.The United States Army, Navy and Air Force walked off with the top honors, capturing places one, two and three on the list."Offering powerhouse academics and deep-rooted traditions at no cost, the U.S. Service Academies have always been a leader of FORBES Top Colleges list, but this year they dominate the Top Public Schools list."CorcoranandJohnson.square

General Johnson and Dr. Corcoran

Here's the surprise: Last Wednesday, I gave a presentation on business education at the Cornell Club of New York. That same evening, there was a talk by Lieutenant General Michelle Johnson of the United States Air Force.I couldn't help but zip across the hall to shake the hand of the first Rhodes Scholar from the U.S. Air Force Academy. She is a command pilot who has logged more than 3,600 flight hours and served in three campaigns. General Johnson has served as deputy chief of staff at NATO headquarters, Deputy Director for Information and Cyberspace Policy on the Joint Staff, and Director of Strategy, Policy, Programs and Logistics, U.S. Transportation Command.General Johnson is the current Superintendent of the Air Force Academy."Well," she said kindly, "we're both in education."

Athena Advises

Did you know that not only U.S. citizens, but also international students can win admission to the United States Air Force Academy? The nomination and qualification procedures are arduous, and you should begin long in advance. Details for both U.S. citizens and citizens of other countries are found at:http://www.academyadmissions.comWhat makes the U.S. Air Force a great choice for a young woman considering a military career? It must be something, because 25% of the cadets at the Air Force Academy are women. As Lt. Gen. Johnson said when she took over command of the Air Force Academy, "The airplanes don't care where you came from" (USA Today).But whether you are male or female, before you run out to enlist, ask yourself whether you have fortitude as well as bravery. You had better not be someone who runs away from such minor challenges as the next math test or the SAT.You had better be the type who sees what has to be done and is totally, immediately, without question, all over it.Air Force flyers don't run away. When there is trouble, they head straight for it. As General David Goldfein, Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force, recently put it, "We fly to the sounds of the guns."It's time to show courage in your own life.Dr. Marlena CorcoranFounder and CEOAuthor of Year by Year to College, on amazon.comamazon.de and many national amazon sitesP.S. The Air Force Academy, which also ranks number five in Forbes' rankings of STEM colleges, is committed to "Harmonizing STEM and the Liberal Arts." General Goldfein, the head of the Air Force, has a bachelor's degree in philosophy.