7.1 A new school year begins!

Do you bound out of bed curious about your new classes? Are you thrilled to meet your old friends and ready to make new ones?Or is your heart still set to Watermelon Time?11

We're so proud of you!

Some of our Athena Mentor students are moving in to their new dormitories at college. We've been following you on the websites of universities from the Claremont Colleges in California to Boston University in Massachusetts.Yes, those of you still in secondary school can check out the photos some schools post on Moving In Day. To see what's in store for you one day, google "moving in day" or "welcome" plus the name of your favorite college.

Athena Invites

22Are you an Athena Mentor college student in the New York area this week?Do you have your heart set on a career in business? Are you already planning on applying for an MBA--as soon as possible?We have a special invitation for you. On Wednesday, August 24, Dr. Marlena Corcoran will be giving a workshop at the Cornell Club of New York, at Fifth Avenue and 44th Street. It's especially designed for recent college graduates who are debating whether to apply for the traditional two-year MBA or one of the hot new specialized master's degrees in a specific field of business.

The event is intended to serve members of the Cornell Club, which welcomes students and graduates of Cornell, Brown, Colgate, Duke, Georgetown, Notre Dame, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Stanford, Wake Forest and Tulane. If you've been thinking of joining, now would be the moment!

If you are an Athena Mentor student at another college and would like to come, we can offer admission to a very limited number of guests. Send a message asap to Dr. Corcoran:athena@athena-mentor.comWe wish each and every one of you a brilliant year!Dr. Marlena CorcoranFounder and CEOAuthor of Year by Year to College, on amazon.comamazon.de and many national amazon sitesP.S. You can unsubscribe to this newsletter below--or forward it to a friend!